Children are the best creation of God.
Author Archives: Virginia
The science fair is a fair where students present their science project results in the form of a report, display board, and models that students have created. Science fairs include students in elementary, middle and high schools in science and technology activities.
All participants did an amazing job
¡Demuestra tus habilidades de deletreo este jueves 5 de agosto!
Ramón Rosa, Honduran statesman. Born in Tegucigalpa, Rosa studied law at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala and began his law career in 1869. He took part in the military victory over the Conservatives in 1871. Rosa is known for his participation in Honduran political and intellectual life during the late nineteenth century. He […]
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Always preserve in your heart the desire to learn. Enjoy the Student’s Day to the fullest.
Happy Mother´s Day!
El 12 de mayo el mundo celebra el Día Internacional de la Enfermería, fecha promulgada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y conmemorada en recordación al nacimiento de Florence Nightingale, considerada “fundadora” de la enfermería moderna, quien dedicó su vida al cuidado de los enfermos. Formada en Inglaterra, fue la creadora de la […]
National Pan American Day on April 14th each year commemorates the First International Conference of American States, which concluded on April 14, 1890. The observance takes place during Pan American Week.